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United States : Delaware County Board of Supervisors supports new county procurement policies and procedures

Publish Date : 03-Sep-2015

Delaware County Board of Supervisors has unanimously supported new county procurement policies and procedures. The detailed document rescinds earlier policies, decried by the New York State Comptroller, in a recent probe over the suspect purchase of a county vehicle by a county employee. Finance Committee Chair and Town of Walton Supervisor Bruce Dolph said, "The new policy shows step-by-step procedures for the disposal of county personal property in the best interest of the community."

He admitted that a few ideas from the state Comptroller's Office were included into the new policies and procedures. "But the committee detailed the policies and procedures and they satisfy the Comptroller's Office." In regard to auctioning off county vehicles, the policy says, "The on-line service will include a statement that no county employee can participate in the auction."

And, Public Works has the responsibility of removing the plates, surrendering them to the Clerk of the Board, getting the weight of the vehicles and determining a current scrap price, taking pictures and listing the vehicle on an on-line auction. Board Chair and Town of Harpersfield Supervisor Jim Eisel stated, "Public Works has the qualified mechanics and skills to determine the vehicle condition and scrap value."

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